• A session consists of:

    1) The Interview (1.5-2 hours)

    The interview portion is where you and I will casually chat about your life and why you are seeking the session now (1.5-2 hours). This part of the process is very important because it allows me to understand your life story, which will then help me know how to guide you during the trance portion of the session and ask the appropriate questions you need asked. 

    2) The Trance (about 2 hours)

    The trance portion is the really fun part! Laying down, I will gently guide you through some relaxation techniques and then visualizations to get us into the subconscious. Many people say that it’s like taking a nap and relaying the dreams that they are having. Here is where we will explore your past lives (if applicable) or different scenes that hold information that will help you in your life today. After exploring for a while, we will move on to directly contacting the SC with your list of questions. It’s nothing short of amazing what the SC can reveal to you!

    3) Debriefing (30 min-1hour)

    Now we will go over what happened in the trance work portion. Here we will explore the experience and start to process the information you’ve received. I will advise you on what to expect afterwards.  

    4) Post-Session

    You will receive a copy of the recorded session by email shortly after the session. 

    I’m always open for questions after the sessions! Please feel free to contact me with any thing that pops up. I love hearing feedback and your take on the whole process.

    Overall the entire session with all three parts lasts about 5-6 hours.  Everything is recorded so that you can go back and re-listen to the session when you feel it is necessary. Most clients do not remember everything (though some think they do) and re-listening also helps to put the information in place and receive clarity on the messages that come through. Think about it like having a vivid dream and trying to recall the details later in the day. The details may fade or be obscured even though it seemed so ingrained at the time. This is why the recording is so helpful! Additionally, re-listening to the recording is like receiving the healing all over again and may reveal new depths of the answers you received - much like hearing a song years later and the meaning of the lyrics changing or finally striking a cord. 

  • I charge $150 for the 5-7 hour session.

    If you would like to discuss trades or partial trades, please contact me! I reside in southern Oregon in Ashland, but can travel to other cities. If you are outside of the area, a travel fee may be discussed.

    I am open to traveling outside of southern Oregon and internationally. Please contact for more details.

    Contact me via email at qhhtwithamanda@gmail.com or the Contact Me page on this website for more information and/or to book a session.

  • The main things to remember are to avoid alcohol and caffeine before your session, as these can interfere with your relaxation and ability to stay in trance. Alcohol should be avoided the day and evening before your session, or at lease limited. If you are an avid coffee drinker, limit to one cup the morning of your session.

    Also, be sure to eat a little something before the session. We will have time during the interview if you’d like to snack. The idea is to not have your stomach rumbling during the trance portion lol!

    Having a grounding, earthy snack after the session is also very advisable, especially if you will be driving afterwards. During the debriefing, natural, healthy foods will help you ground back down to planet earth. I usually recommend carrots and hummus or chips and some kind of dip or a small sandwich.

  • Clothing should be comfy! This is a time for you to let go and sink into your subconscious. Avoid any clothing that will distract from pure relaxation.

  • Though you may experience some disturbing material during your session adventures, your SC will not show you anything that you are not prepared for. Your SC or Higher Self always has your best interest in mind and anything disturbing that comes up is in your best interest to look at and evaluate so that it can be processed.

  • That is totally fine! I will instruct you to use the restroom before we begin the trance portion, but if nature calls during that time, you will use the facilities just like it is the middle of the night and you will be able to return to the session where we left off.

  • Of course! You can record audio or video as you wish. I will also record the session in case of malfunction.

  • Yes, anything you share with me in the interview or during any other part of the process is completely confidential. I may ask you to sign a waiver for me to be able to share your session with other QHHT practitioners for training purposes only. This is totally optional! If your session is particularly of interest, I may ask if I can share on social media or my website. However, I will always ask your permission before sharing information or recordings with colleagues or on a public forum like social media.

  • I don’t know if I’ve heard it all, but I am a very open spirit and believe all sorts of truths can exist in this world. Alien encounters, trips to other planets, being other entities entirely, deeply human emotions….these elements come up all the time and I honor everybody’s experiences and beliefs. My job is to facilitate your healing session, not to judge you. Hopefully I am creating the free-est space you have had to express yourself.

  • Absolutely! I have successfully split the parts of the session for other busy clients and performed the interview portion the day before the face-to-face meeting. We talk on the phone or webcam a day or two before the trance portion to fulfill the interview part. This lasts the 1.5-2 hours and we can follow that up within the next day or so with the trance and debrief portions (about 3-4 hours). Having the interview the day before and no more than two days before is most helpful to keep the information fresh.

  • QHHT must be done in person because of the many physical cues the practitioner looks for can only be seen this way. The interview portion can be done via phone or video call, but the trance portion must be done in person. This is per Dolores’s guidelines as well.

Overall the entire session with all three parts lasts about 5-6 hours. This is a surprise to some people, but you don’t want to rush the process. Significant healing and information can come through and we need the appropriate amount of time and space to sink into the experience to get the full effects.

Isn’t it time to focus on you?