About Me

I was on the receiving end of my first QHHT session in 2019 when I experienced my first past life regressions and saw several of my prior lives on earth. In one life, I was in the body of an African boy who eventually got captured into slavery and ended up becoming an accountant’s apprentice in England. I was a mother in the 1960s who really didn’t resonate with her new role of being a mother and middle-class wife. The struggle felt real. I could actually feel these people’s feelings (and therefore release them) and had information coming from within that seemed like second nature to me. I didn’t have to search for the answers - I just knew. It’s that connection to the knowing that keeps me having my own sessions and wanting to help provide this experience for others. 

Growing up in Georgia, I had several intuitive moments throughout my life that I couldn’t quite explain. I have since recognized what those experiences meant and that our reliance on our own intuition has been diminishing over time. We really do hold the answers within ourselves! Extracting those answers is the tough part. Hypnosis, mediation, and other modalities help to get these answers and knowledge out. 

Through this work I am learning about the limitations of our 3D existence, but also about the other realms of consciousness that are possible to experience using tools like hypnosis and other relaxation techniques.

Before coming to QHHT, I worked in several industries including organic farming, herbal extracts, interior design, medical case management, and ESL education. A varied list for sure, but compatible with how my soul wanted to operate this time around (never bored/always intrigued!).

I hold a Master’s Degree in English and a Bachelor’s Degree in Romance Languages. Throughout my life, though, I’ve studied astrology, metaphysics, and occult-related materials on my own time. I’ve always felt these studies connected me to the magic that is often suppressed in modern society. Now in my 40s, I have shifted my focus to hypnosis and consciousness studies. I am currently a Level II Practitioner and will continue on to the final level (Level III) once this portion is complete!

Outside of QHHT, I love to go thrifting, learn local history, play softball and pickle ball, do yoga/mediation, study Human Design, and have tea to talk about all things metaphysical and enchanting.