• What is QHHT?

    QHHT stands for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and was developed by a woman named Dolores Cannon.  She practiced hypnosis for a large portion of her life and found that this technique allows access to the deeper realms of the subconscious — the Theta level of consciousness — in a quicker way than other hypnosis techniques.

  • Unlike traditional forms of hypnosis, QHHT does not rely on suggestion or direction to guide a client into behavior modification; rather, QHHT aims to gain deep-seated answers to your own questions and support physical healing for good by finding the initial emotional causes of ailments.

  • Hypnosis allows the body and mind to relax to such a state that all blocks to the subconscious fall away. The deepest truths are not filtered as they reveal themselves. The beauty of the subconscious — or the SC — is that it is always looking out for your highest good. It will never show you anything you are not prepared to see and handle.

  • QHHT works best when you allow your left-brain/logical side to step aside. The right side of the brain is the more creative, imaginative side and is where our dreams happen. It is the side that holds less ego, therefore allowing access to our true, unfiltered selves. This side also has connection to the greater universe and to information that is housed there.

  • Many times QHHT includes visits to past lives here on earth, but not always (after all, not everyone has been to earth before!). These past lives or other worldly scenes are brought forth to show you something about your life now.

  • Towards the end of the session, I will ask direct questions to your subconscious from a list you will prepare beforehand. This will help you find more specific answers to your life’s questions. Overall, the goal of a QHHT session is to obtain useful information that you can use today to heal and understand your life in a clearer way.

Watch this 6 minute video that goes into more detail about what QHHT is and what to expect during a session.